martes, 6 de enero de 2015


                                When Jonas turn twelve he is assigned to receive special training form the giver. Know is the moment that Jonas needs to grow up and to receive the truth. Our hero Jonas was selected for one of the most important job. No every person can’t have this job. He is realizing that the society is not really how he thinks it was. He meet the giver an old person ho alone holds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now Jonas it going to star see how are important the time to Jonas receive the truth.

"But then everyone would be burdened and pained. They don't want that. And that the real reason the receive is so vital to them and so honored'' (113).why the elders don’t what that people have pain. An analysis that i do with this quote is that the author is telling us how pain is important for a human. The pain is in everything and we don’t have to scare about pain, pain is life without pain we don’t have life .i infer that the elders are scare to see the real life.

Every chapter is more inserting I what to read more and more. I have some many questions like why was extremely rude for one citizen to touch another outside of the family units.
Or like why Jonas want to see pain memory’s. Another question is why Jonas diced to don’t tell to the giver his power maybe the giver would help him. That are some of the question that I what to ask. I what to read more.

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