domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

there in not turning back

When Jonas turn twelve, he is singled out to receive special training from the the chapters that i have reading, a lot of things had happened. Jonas starts to have strings for Fiona. His mother started giving him pills to elimate his fillings. The days of the ceremony get started and Jonas is very nervous. The ceremony of nines, tens, elevens and twelve’s took place. Finally the ceremony of Jonas get started and the chief elder gave their assignments but when it was Jonas turn she skipped him Jonas was very bad she think that he going to give him a assignment but at the end of the ceremony she called Jonas to the front of every person and apologize to him and everybody for her actions. She told everybody that Jonas wasn’t assigned he was selected to be the receiver of memories because he was special and very important and that he have the 5 things a  receiver must have . Now it’s time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back.

jonas the reciver 

''i am not, actually, as old as i look he told jonas this job has aged me.i know i look as if i should be scheduled for released very soon. but actually i have a good deal  of time left".pg76

No matter is you are old you never need to give up. This quote het my attention because this man is telling Jonas that he is old but he has a deal of time. I chose this quote because the old man is telling Jonas how is important is the life. But why the old man is telling this to Jonas is something important that Jonas need to know? And why he is tell to Jonas that is going to be released very soon?

The last chapters i have read are the most important of the book. Jonas is the hero is the new receiver. Now the book is going to change like in my tittle there is not turning back. Jonas will soon know all the true secrets about his community he would all of community dark secrets .i what to read more because every chapter get more interesting and i want to read more. I want to know why Lois Lowry writes this book.

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

The giver

Jonas life has been starting ti change.know jonas start ro feeling somthing never had.he ceremonys of all eges have started and jonas is anxuis of what assiment it would be chosen. The ceremony of ones througt 11 is done and now is number 19. Jonas has been choseen to be the reciver. Jonas turn to-change his life. The reciver is the most important job of the comunnity.

When i was reading this quote make me think."today at least we want them to be nearly tied and to saty nertly tied. i dont like hair ribbons. i am glad i only have to  wear them one more year"this quote is a individually theme. Is unfear that girls need to use only ribbons every person is diffrent.they have right to use what ever they whant.why only girls need to use ribbons? .

This book every time is more especial.the giver is the is the one of the few books that i liked. The author describe so good is amazing how he write the book. I injoed reading this book. This book promotes me to become a better reading. I recomend this book for the people that they like to read and they like mystery.i can wait to keep reading this book.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver Commenting

                                                the chapters that i reed in this days it about how Jonas live in the community.In this society that only caries about how successful you are in you're life. And how everything is control by the government because they have strict rules for everything. Jonas is nervious about the ceremony of 12. He has a family a mother,father,and a sister.He meet a friend name Fiona and her friend asher. In conclusion the chapter that we read are very interesting and fun.I like to read this books because are mystery's.

 " December was exaciting to me when I was young.And it has been for you and lily, too , I'm sure. Each December brings such changes." (11)

I find intersting how much time Jonas spent describing how he and lily like december. I connect with this coute because December is my favorite holiday. Why Jonas is saying to the audience that he like December and why he bring such changes? To my self December bring such changes to me and my family. I like that Jonas is tellas  how he like December.

This days that I am reading the Giver this book is to intersting is mystery and give you a lot of information.I predict that jonas liked fiona and the community dont let Jonas love fiona.This days that I am reading the Giver  this book is to intersting.I recomendent this book to people that like this tipes of books.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014


Summary: the summary os this book is  ficcion and a boy how live in a perfect world. But no evrything is perfect. In the future  he estar with big problems.
I think that the interviewed of this book is long but  interesting. 

This statment mean that childrens are the new generation.children are going to change the world with new thing,thing that are very new for old the people that live ritht now. And childrens are going to  change the world because ther are advanced.

I predict that this book is about a young boy named jonas thay  live in a perrfect world where everything is controlled by strict rules.but in the futer eveything is a disaster 

