In The Roald Dahl short story,“ lamb to the slaughter" is about a women name Mary Maloney, a housewife that was pregnacy.he was waiting for his husband for turning for his job.was a thursday night and they usally eat out.when patrick maloney does come home,he was very steng his face was not to happy tan usally he ry trieds to make him happy but nothing happend.patrick said to her to seat down he told to mary that hewhant to divorce.Instead of arguing with Patrick, she goes on as if nothing has happened, hoping that this will somehow cause her problem to go away. She prepares to make supper and goes down to the deep freezer. She chooses a frozen leg of lamb for the meal. When Patrick tells her that he does not want dinner, Mary moves behind him and hits him over the head with the leg of lamb.Mary realizes that she has killed Patrick.She prepares the leg of lamb and puts it in the oven. She then goes to her room and gets ready to go out.she goes to the super to by food for the diner she was olny adting.She then returns home, telling herself that she must remain natural and to expect nothing out of the ordinary when she enters the house.she start to do a mess, throwing all things as that someone had attacked tonher husband.Mary then calls the police and reports that Patrick Maloney has been killed.the police are the frinds of Mary,they start to invastigate and making questions to Mary.the police conclude that Patrick was killed by a blow to the head with a blunt instrument, probably made of steel.Finding that the lamb is now cooked, Mary asks the police officers to eat it because she owes it to Patrick to extend the hospitality of his home to his friends. She finally persuades them to eat the meal as a favor to her. As they do so, they remark that the murder weapon would be very difficult to conceal,so mary start to giggle.
"Thats is the way,she told everyting right and natural keep things absolutely naturaland there i be no need for any acting of all"
There is so much persofication to give a ms mary a charactization like this qoute i think that mary is women mallory is very intelligent and make this story a suspence.she is a good acting with the polices.with the thoughts we can think like the character if i would could kill my husban i would act like ms mallory.This make my tink that she dont whant that the police sospect that he killd his wife.
I love Bradbury's use of strong imagery in this story in order to help the reader visualize what is happening in the house. For example,
She carried the meat into the
kitchen, placed it in a pan, turned the oven on high, and shoved t inside. Then
she washed her hands and ran upstairs to the bedroom. She sat down before the
mirror, tidied her hair, touched up her lops and face. She tried a smile. It
came out rather peculiar. She tried again.
i imagine mallory carried the meat and samline i think that she is thinink how he can act with the police.she is washed his hands because the evidence and he goes to there bedroom to thinhk how he can lie.he act like nothing happend to her husban.he is a good actor.i like how i old this qouete explaine my so i imagyne everything that happend in the story.
i like this story a lot and old the storys of roald dahl this was my favorate because i like the storys of suspence and mystery.the message os this story is vey intersting dont trust in old the people because people can be bad.the charactization and the imagy make this story asome and i anderstand everything wirh that.i recomend to old the persons that like sorys of suspence.